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2021 シーバー・ヴィンヤーズ カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン GTS

2021 シーバー・ヴィンヤーズ カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン GTS
元大リーガー、野球殿堂入りした名投手がGeorge Thomas Seaverと今最も注目を浴びる若手ワインメーカー、トーマス・リバース・ブラウンが送り出すスーパーカリフォルニアカベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン!

2021 シーバー・ヴィンヤーズ カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン GTS

2021 Seaver Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon GTS

Seaver Vineyards produces Cabernet Sauvignon in limited production of 400 – 600 cases per year. Our wines are made from four different Cabernet Sauvignon clones grown on a 3.5 acre vineyard on the south facing slope of Diamond Mountain.

We released our inaugural vintage in the spring of 2008, the 2005 GTS and 2005 Nancy’s Fancy (now known as NLS). We made a decision early on to offer two bottlings which allowed us the ability to showcase the clonal differences in the two main blocks of the vineyard. However by 2008, when the vineyard had completed its seventh growing season, the clones had matured in such a way as to invite blending them together into one bottling for the first time in our history. Each clone complemented the other beautifully and the result was the outstanding 2008 GTS Cabernet.

Since then, we have made the singular GTS bottling from eight of our seventeen produced vintages and have reserved the ability to offer two bottlings when the fruit from the clones in each vineyard block is simply gorgeous in its own right (our 2021 vintage being the most recent stellar example). We liken the vineyard's clones to instruments in an orchestra; each individual instrument has the ability both to contribute to a harmonious symphony or stand alone with a transcendent solo. We can’t say for certain from year to year whether we will offer one bottling or two and we will continue to wait for the vines and our winemaker to let us know.

2021 Vintage Newsletter
As many of you know, Tom was part of the 1969 Miracle Mets team that came out of nowhere and improbably won the World Series that same year. Tom was interviewed in the locker room after the Mets Game 5 win that clinched their title and with a towel around his neck and champagne dripping from his hair he famously said “No matter what happened, no matter where we were, we were down six to nothing in Pittsburg, we came back and won that ballgame because we never put our heads between our legs and we always fought and it’s the greatest feeling in the world.”

At the start of 2021 we found ourselves needing to channel Tom’s World Series win sentiment and marshal the courage to keep fighting and march ever onward at Seaver Vineyards. With a fifth of the vineyard having burned just a few months prior our focus became replanting, reassessing, and recommitting to the legacy that Tom built.

Luckily, 2021 was a vintage where nature righted the ship. It was a dry and consistent growing season and wasn’t fraught with the dramtic ups and downs we experienced in 2020. And miraculously for us, we did not experience a downturn in production like was the case valley-wide in 2021. At Outpost, where we vinify our wines, they were shocked to see so many bins overflowing with grapes coming in from the Seaver Vineyards 2021 vintage harvest. After everything we had been through in 2020, it was nice to experience ease again.

The result is energetic, well-structured yet elegant wines split as we have in the past into two bottlings; the 2021 GTS and the 2021 NLS. And we are so happy to share that the 2021 GTS was rated 99 points out of 100 by wine critic Jeb Dunnuck! It is the highest score we have received in our history and it’s almost as if someone was smiling down on us.

Winemaker’s Notes
Vivid aromatics swell as soon as you draw a glass of 2021 GTS Cabernet Sauvignon close. Loamy notes intermingle with expansive high tones all wrapped together in the wine’s signature pristine dark fruit. The palate expresses fall bramble with hints of exotic baking spices and a finely integrated tannin framework. Balanced with a silken mouthfeel, the complex flavors linger on the palate as the wine finishes clean with notes of white flowers. This wine defies the traditional characteristics of a Diamond Mt District AVA wine and, as the vineyard has evolved, seemingly exists in a place entirely unique unto itself. Patient collectors will want to store this bottle in the cellar for a bit but if time is of the essence, a few hours in a decanter will be sufficient. Drinking window from 2026 to 2041. – Thomas Brown

Jeb Dunnuck 99 points  (12/26/203)

Made by Thomas Brown, these Seaver Vineyard 2021s are both brilliant wines. The 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon GTS is a much more brooding and concentrated effort that has ripe currant fruits, some meaty, bloody, iron nuances, lots of tobacco, full-bodied richness, a rounded, mouth-filling texture, gorgeous tannins, and a great finish.

生産年(ヴィンテージ) 2010
生産国 アメリカ合衆国
生産領域 カリフォルニア
アペレーション/地区 ナパ・バレー
ボトルサイズ 750ml
ワイン レビュー
ワイン評価スコアの レンジ 96 - 100
ロバート・パーカーのワイン・アドヴォケート 94
その他のレビュー 99


  • ¥45,000

タグ: プレミアムワイン