2009 カレラ ピノ・ノワール ライアン

2009 カレラ ピノ・ノワール ライアン
  • ¥8,500
いわずと知れた日本で有名な『カリフォルニアのロマネコンティ』として人気の高い“カレラ”。2002年がファースト・ヴィンテージで、最も若いピノ・ノワールを使用。 ライアンは「初心者でもワイン通でも満足できるような味わいに仕上がっている」 (ワインメーカー、ジョシュ・ジェンセン氏)

2009 カレラ ピノ・ノワール ライアン

2009 Calera Pinot Noir Ryan

93 Points - ロバート・パーカーのワイン・アドヴォケイト:
"The 2009 Pinot Noir Ryan Vineyard shows off layers of sweet tobacco, crushed flowers, leather, spices and dried cherries. The 100% whole clusters come through on the saline, floral-infused finish. Bottle age should help the stems to integrate and the tannins to soften. Ryan is Calera’s highest altitude site. Anticipated maturity: 2014-2024.

Readers who want to experience the finest Pinot Noirs being made in California should put Calera at or near the top of their lists. The 2009s are simply breathtaking in their beauty. I am not sure why I was so blown away by the estate’s 2009s, as the entry-level 2009 Central Coast Pinot I reviewed last year provided more than enough clues as to the quality of the rest of the lineup. Based on that wine, I should have known what to expect. Congratulations to proprietor Josh Jensen and his entire team on these magnificent, utterly compelling wines. Organic farming, native fermentations and minimal racking are some of the choices that inform the Calera wines." (Wine Advocate #202 Aug 2012) Antonio Galloni