2010 コングスガード "The Fimasaurus"

2010 コングスガード "The Fimasaurus"
  • ¥25,000
ナパのもっとも有名なワイン・メーカーのひとり、John Kongsgaardが作る希少ワイン、生産量なんとたったの40ケース。 スペシャル、ボルドーブレンドです。マニアの方は見逃せません。

2010 コングスガード "The Fimasaurus"

2010 Kongsgaard The Fimasaurus



THE FIMASAURUS 2010 NAPA VALLEY comes from the first day of harvest from our Bordeaux varietals vineyard when we select one ton of tiny clusters from the vines with the lowest crop. These vines bear fruit with a unique character: the tone of the wine is darker than the Cabernet bottling, the tannin is more dense, and the brooding finish reminds us of the sonority of its namesake, the Uzbek pianist Yefim "Fima" Bronfman, playing a mysterious Beethoven slow movement. For the second year in a row we have kept these two barrels for a separate bottling. 40 cases produced.