2010 リバース・マリー カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン パニック・ヴィンヤード

2010 リバース・マリー カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン パニック・ヴィンヤード
  • ¥14,000

2010 リバース・マリー カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン パニック・ヴィンヤード

2010 Rivers-Marie Cabernet Sauvignon Panek Vineyard

ロバート・パーカーのワイン・アドボケイト (アントニオ・ガッローニ) (92-94)ポイント

"The 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon Panek Vineyard wraps around the palate with an array of dark red berries, licorice and violets. This is a relatively understated Panek. Juicy, finessed tannins round out the seamless, polished finish. Anticipated maturity: 2013-2020.

Winemaker Thomas Rivers Brown and his wife Genevieve Marie Welsh are the duo behind the impressive Rivers-Marie wines. Brown is one of this generation’s most exciting young winemakers. His early work with Helen Turley and his first consulting clients, including Schrader, is well-known, but what is less well-known is the number of other winemakers whom he has inspired, directly and indirectly. Brown’s winemaking is deeply influenced by his knowledge and passion for the historic California Cabernets and Pinots of decades past, and the great reds of Burgundy and Piedmont, a perspective that is not too common among younger winemakers. The Rivers-Marie wines are made at Outpost, where Brown also makes the wines of his top-flight consulting clients. The Rivers-Marie Pinots will be reviewed in our February issue. For now, readers will find no shortage of great choices among these five stellar Cabernets. The only Cabernet I did not taste was the 2010 Napa Valley, which will be culled from the barrels that don’t make it into the top two selections."
(Wine Advocate #198 Dec 2011 Antonio Galloni Drink: 2013-2020)