2012 ハンドレッド・エーカー カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン カイリー・モーガン
2012 ハンドレッド・エーカー カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン カイリー・モーガン
2012 Hundred Acre Cabernet Sauvignon Kayli Morgan
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"The 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon Kayli Morgan Vineyard, which Woodbridge thinks may be the greatest he has made to date, is locked and loaded, with silky tannins and an inky blue/purple color, a gorgeous nose of spring flowers intermingled with crème de cassis, blackberry, lead pencil shavings and spice box, This is a full-throttle, concentrated, stunningly well-balanced wine, with terrific fruit intensity and palate presence. It is fat, it is opulent, it is delicious, but it pulls back from going over the edge, as all great wines tend to do. Drink it over the next 20-25 years.
The genius of Jayson Woodbridge is not in dispute. A bigger than life character, he has a certain personal flamboyance and no-prisoners-taken persona, but what he and his team do in the vineyards and winery speaks for itself. These are remarkable wines, with his Cabernet Sauvignons some of the very finest in the world, and his Pinot Noir projects all high quality and pleasing to a multitude of diverse palates. "
(eRobertParker.com #220 Aug 2015 Robert M. Parker, Jr. 99 Drink: 2015 - 2040)