2013 コングスガード シャルドネ ナパ・バレー

2013 コングスガード シャルドネ ナパ・バレー
  • ¥17,000
カリフォルニア産白ワイン(シャルドネ)の最高峰の生産者、コングスガードからのシャルドネ。 ナパのカルネロスの名門ヴィンヤード ハイド・ヴィンヤードとハドソン・ヴィンヤードからのシャルドネのスーパーブレンド、ザ・ジャッジ同様のこだわりのワイン作りから生み出される高品質のシャルドネです。

2013 コングスガード シャルドネ ナパ・バレー

2013 Kongsgaard Chardonnay Napa Valley

ロバート・パーカーのワイン・アドヴォケイト 95points

eRobertParker.com #222 Dec 2015     Robert M. Parker, Jr.     96     Drink: 2015 - 2025
The 2013 Chardonnay, which is already in bottle, displays nectarine, tangerine oil, crushed rock, earthy, full-bodied richness, and magnificent texture and length. This is just a stunner to drink over the next decade or so.

One of the great wine producers in Napa Valley, John Kongsgaard first worked at Newton winery, where he had been taught well by the world guru in winemaking, Michel Rolland. When he went out on his own, he developed a strong relationship with the Hudson family and now produces fruit from specially planted clones in the Hudson Vineyard, while also maintaining his own estate on Atlas Peak in Coombsville. All of his wines are unfined, unfiltered, singular in style, and often some of the most expressive and remarkable wines in Napa Valley. Talking to John Kongsgaard is akin to talking to some medieval wizard or mystic, but it all makes sense.